0435 101 229



Looking to buy an investment property?

Eclipse Mortgages partners with the best property experts in Australia! We pride ourselves on working with the best to give you a total solution for your needs.

From sourcing the best Investment rates in the market from our 30+ Panel of lenders to providing you access to some of the best property experts to help you look for that perfect investment!


At Eclipse Mortgages we are Mortgage experts but we believe in providing a holistic solution for our clients.

That gives us the opportunity to partner with some of the finest and most respected financial advisors in the country.

We pride ourselves on working with the best and those who share our values of Trust, Honesty and Care. Let us look after you.

Robby Antonio is a credit representative of BLSSA Pty Ltd

ACN 117 651 760 (Australian Credit Licence 391237).

Credit representative number 500312.

Eclipse Mortgages ABN 83619078796.

Let us help you secure your financial future!

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