0435 101 229

Loan solutions for individuals, families and businesses to create their desired world now and in the future.

30 + Lenders

Best rates in the market - Loans for everyday situations

Eclipse Mortgages is more than a mortgage business. It’s a people business.

Over 15 years of banking experience under our belt means we know what is important to you. We want to help you build your dream by providing you with the most exceptional service and the best rates in the market.

We have over 30 lenders on our panel and we partner with a group of experts across the financial industry to help you in every way we can with one phone call!

Responsible lending statement: Before we provide credit assistance to you, we assess whether the particular loan or lease is suitable for you. To do this, we will need to conduct a full assessment of your situation and provide a recommendation. Individual lender credit guidelines, terms and conditions exist. Please refer to our privacy statement for additional information. 

Robby Antonio is a credit representative of BLSSA Pty Ltd

ACN 117 651 760 (Australian Credit Licence 391237).

Credit representative number 500312.

Eclipse Mortgages ABN 83619078796.

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